Ante ====> Change side.
Age =====> Upward.
Ago =====> Chin.
Ago-uchi ======> Snap punch to chin.
Aiuchi =====> No point. Simultaneously techniques.
Aka =====> Red.
Ao =====> Blue.
Arigato =====> Thank you.
Ashi =====> Foot, leg.
Ashi-barai =====> Footsweep.
Ate =====> Thrust.
Atenai yoni =====> Warning without penalty. See chukoku.
Atoshi baraku =====> Short time left.
Barai =====> Blocking.
Budo =====> Joint designation of fighting forms/styles.
Bunkai =====> Breake down and analyzing karate techniques, e.g. in kata. Understanding of the techniques.
Chakugan=====> Correct awareness/attention.
Chudan =====> Against the stomach.
Chudan-zuki =====> Punch against the stomach area.
Chukoku =====> First warning in category 1 or 2 without penalty. See atenai yoni.
Chusoku =====> Ball of the foot.
Dachi =====> Stance.
Dan =====> black belt grade.
Do Vei. =====> Road. Movement, activity.
Dojo =====> Training hall; the place were you study karate-do.
Encho-sen =====> Extension of kumite.
Fukushin =====> Judge.
Ganmen =====> Face.
Gasshuku =====> Training camp.
Gedan =====> Body area below the belt.
Gedan-barai =====> Declining block.
Geri =====> Kick.
Gi =====> White sweat suit. White to symbolize the purity of the karate-ka.
Go =====> Five.
Gyaku-zuki =====> Punch opposite to front foot.
Hachi =====> Eight.
Hachimaki =====> Brow band.
Haishu =====> Back of the hand.
Haisoku =====> Instep.
Haisoku-dachi =====> Feet together and parallel (bow stance).
Haito =====> Area between the root of the tumb and forefinger.
Hajime =====> Start executing the techniques!
Hansoku =====> Penalty resulting in disqualification.
Hansoku-chui =====> Penalty, giving the opponent nihon.
Hantei =====> Referee decision.
Hara =====> Correct abdomen tension.
Heiko-dachi =====> Parallel feet shoulder width.
Hidari =====> Left.
Hiji-ate =====> Elbow thrust. Also called empi-uchi.
Hiki-te =====>. Withdrawn arm. Fist placed under the armpit.
Hikiwake =====> Draw.
Hiza-geri =====> Kick with the knee.
Ibuki =====> Inhale quietly and deep through the nose with your stomac, and exhale powerful as you tense your abdomen.
Ippon =====> One (point).
Ippon-kumite =====> One step combat exercise; one attack, block and counter attack.
Ichi =====> One.
Jodan =====> High level, i.e. above the collar bone (against head).
Jodan-uke =====> High block.
Jogai =====> When one or both competitors step outside the combat area.
Jogai hansoku =====> Disqualification; opponent no kachi.
Jogai hansoku chui =====> Opponent gets nihon.
Jogai keikoku =====> Opponent gets ippon.
Ju =====> Ten.
Ju-ichi =====> Eleven.
Juji-uke =====> Block with arms crossed.
Jun-zuki =====> Oi-zuki to the side, e.g. in shiko-dachi.
Ka =====> Person, e.g. karate-ka.
Kai =====> Union, association.
Kakato =====> Heal.
Kakato-geri =====> Kick with the heal.
Kake-dachi =====> Hook stance; legs crossed at the ankle.
Kake-geri =====> Hook kick inside-out with chusoku or kakato (knock down technique). Also called ura mawashi-geri.
Kamae =====> Fighting stance.
Kan =====> Club.
Kansa =====> Arbitrator.
Kansetsu-geri =====> Kick against the knee joint.
Karate =====> Empty hand.
Karate-do =====> The way of karate, or karate sport.
Karate-gi =====> Karate sweat suit.
Karate-ka =====> Karate A person training karate.
Kata =====> Basic karate techniques exercise patterns.
Keage =====> Snap kick.
Keikoku. =====> Penalty, giving the opponent ippon.
Kiai =====> Combat shout.
Kihon =====> Basic karate techniques.
Kiken =====> One or both competitors back out from kumite.
Kime =====> Focus.
Kin-geri =====> Kick with heisoku to the groin.
Koken =====> Upper side of bend wrist.
Kokutsu-dachi =====> Back leaning stance.
Kote Underarm.
Ku =====> Nine.
Kumite =====> Fighting/combat.
Kyu =====> karate student grade.
Maai =====> Wrong distance; too far away from opponent.
Mae =====> Front, forward.
Mae-keage Jodan =====> Front snap kick to jodan with chusoku, and with straight leg and instep stretched.
Make =====> Looser.
Mawashi =====> Circular arc.
Mawashi-geri =====> Roundhouse kick.
Mawate =====> Turn around 180 degrees.
Mienai =====> Sign for not having seen a scoring technique.
Migi =====> Right.
Mogore =====> Without counting.
Mokuso =====> Meditation; to relax your mind.
Morote tsuki =====> Tsuki with two hands. Both fists together.
Morote-uke =====> Uchi-uke with two hands.
Mubobi =====> Warning for lack of respect for own safety.
Musubi-dachi =====> Heals together and feet 90 degreeds apart. Used in connection with rei.
Moto-no-ichi Ifm. =====> Connected to sitting down or raising from seiza. Back to yoi-dachi.
Nakayubi-ippon-ken =====> Punch with long fingers 2. joint (clenched fist). Also called nakadaka-ken.
Naore =====> Back to yoi-dachi.
Neko-ashi-dachi =====> Cat stance (defensive).
Ni =====> Two.
Nidan =====> Black belt 2. grade.
Nihon =====> Two (points).
Nihon-nukite =====> Stab with fore and longfinger tips.
No kachi =====> Winner.
Nukemas =====> Technique failed.
Obi =====> Belt.
Oi-zuki =====> Front punch to same side as the front foot.
Oroshi-kakato-geri =====> High downward kick with heal, uchi or soto.
Osu =====> A greeting, or a message response.
Otagai-ni-rei =====> Bowing for the karate-ka.
Rei =====> A bow, to show respect for each other.
Ren raku ichi =====> Comb. no. 1: one step – tatezuki jodan – shuto gyaku uchi komi chudan – on step back – shuto oi uke.
Ren raku ni =====> Comb. no. 2: slide forward with front leg – seiken gyakuzuki chudan – shuto oi uchi komi chudan – slide back with front leg and block simultaneously shuto oi uke.
Ren raku san =====> Comb. no. 3: slide forward with front leg – seiken oi ago uchi jodan and simultaneously pull in back leg – shuto gyaku uchi komi chudan – push back back leg – shuto oi uke and simultaneously pull back front leg.
Ren raku shi =====> Comb. no. 4: one step and do mae geri chusoku chudan with back leg – rest as in comb. no. 1.
Roku =====> Six.
Ryu =====> A school or methodology registrating fighting techniques, philosophy and secrets, e.g. Shukokai-ryu.
San =====> Three.
Sanbon =====> Three (points).
Sanchin =====> The oldest known kata, emphasizing three combats/phases; soul, mind and body.
Sanchin-dachi =====> Hourglass stance, or three phase stance.
Seiken =====> Fist; forfinger and midle finger knuckles.
Seiza =====> Relax position on your knees.
Sensei =====> Instructor, superior, karate master.
Sensei-ni-rei =====> Bow to sensei.
Shi =====> Four.
Shichi =====> Seven.
Shikkaku =====> Penalty resulting in expulsion from the competition.
Shiko-dachi =====> Horse stance; feet 45 degrees to the side.
Shiro =====> White.
Shita-zuki =====> Hook-punch with ura-zuki.
Shitei =====> Mandatory.
Shobu =====> Start kumite.
Shobu sanbon =====> Start encho-sen.
Shodan =====> Black belt 1. grade.
Shotei =====> Palm of the hand.
Shugo =====> Summon a fukushin.
Shukokai  =====> An organization where persons with radical ideas about karate may meet for common study and development of ideas («the fastest way»). Karate-do based on physical laws and principles.
Shushin =====> Referee.
Shuto =====> Edge of the hand (little finger side).
Shuto-uke =====> Block with shuto.
Sokuto =====> Edge of the foot (little toe side).
Soto =====> Outside; outside-in.
Soto-keage =====> Snap kick jodan outside-in with teisoku.
Soto-uke =====> Outside-in block.
Tameshi-wari =====> Breaking technique (bricks, tree, ice, etc.).
Tate =====> Vertical.
Tate-zuki =====> Punch in 90 degrees to seiken-zuki, i.e. tettsui turned downwards.
Te =====> Hand.
Teisoku =====> Sole of the foot.
Tensho-kata =====> A soft kata with slow hand movements, strong muscular contractions combined with ibuki.
Tettsui =====> «Iron fist». Clenched fist punch from little finger side.
Tobi-geri =====> Flying kick techniques.
Toho-uke =====> Grip.
Tokui =====> Optional.
Torimasen =====> No scoring technique.
Tsuki =====> Karate punch.
Tsuru-ashi-dachi =====> Crane stance (standing none foot).
Tsuzukete =====> Continue.
Tsuzukete hajime =====> Start kumite again.
Uchi =====> Inside; inside-out.Thrust.
Uchi-keage =====> Snap kick jodan inside-out with haisoku.
Uchi-uke =====> Inside-out block.
Uke =====> Block.
Ukemas =====> Wrong distance; too close.
Ura =====> Backward, i.e. 360 degrees turn.
Uraken =====> Inverted knuckle; upper side of fore and long finger knuckle.
Ushiro =====> Backwards.
Wakata =====> Is this understood?
Ya =====> Arrow.
Yama-zuki =====> Double punch in parallel, jodan/chudan.
Yame =====> Stop.
Yasume =====> Dismiss.
Yoi =====> Be ready!
Yoi-dachi =====> Be redy stance.
Yoko =====> Side.
Yoko-geri =====> Kick to the side with sokuto.
Yoko-keage =====> Upward straight kick to the side with sokuto.
Yonhon-nukite =====> Stab with four fingertips.
Zenkutsu-dachi =====> Forward leaning stance; bent front leg and straight back leg.